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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rats vs. Rabbits

Rats and rabbits are both used for chemical testing. Rabbit lover say that rabbits have it worse, while rat loves say that rats have it worse. I guess that it depends. My personal opinion is that I do not like rats but I don't believe that they should be treated like this.

Rabbits have test such as soap, cosmetics, household chemicals, and pesticides. These rabbits have these chemicals dropped in their eyes to see how the chemical will react to the contact with eyes. Rabbits, as stated in one of my recent post, are killed shortly after these test are done. PETA states that rabbits are used for disease, skin conditions, and spinal conditions. On Cosmetic Testing it claims that rabbits are bound in stocks and only their heads are out. It also claims that they are often not given any anesthesia during these painful test.
The test for a rabbit can last anywhere from seven to eighteen days. These test often result in bleeding, swollen eyes lids, and or blindness. These are only a couple of things that can result while these animals are being tested.

Two albino rabbits. March 11, 2010. Available at 
Rats- According to PETA: Rats have toxicology test run on them. Along with this they have psychological test such as terror, anxiety, depression and helplessness, run on them to try to help prevent these in humans. Rats are used for such test due to the fact that their bodies often react to chemicals the way that a humans will react. Just a fact to know, rats often put themselves in harms way to keep other living creatures safe. Rats are not protected by the testing laws so they are often not offered any kind of pain relief. The scientist don't even have to count and keep records of the rats that are used for the test that they run.

Two albino rats. April 22, 2010. Available at

In my opinion they both have it hard, but we all have our opinions. Many people are afraid of rats and say that they should be used because they are nasty little rodents that have no role in society, I will be the first to admit that I do not like them, but they do not deserve to be tortured like that.  You pick rats, or rabbits?

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