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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Top Ten!

When you see animal testing you think rats automatically. In this post I am going to inform you of other animals that are being tested. says:

1.       Mice/Rats

2.       Cats

3.       Dogs

4.       Rabbits

5.       Primates

6.       Pigs

7.       Hamster

8.       Guinea Pig

9.       Ferrets

10.   Birds

Also starting on the companies that are still testing animals. You can find all of these on The Vegetarian Site:

1)      Glade

2)      Glass Plus

3)      Good Skin

4)      Sally Beauty Supply

5)      American Beauty

6)      Avon

7)      Axe

8)      Banana Boat

9)      Carpet Fresh

10)   Flirt!

11)   Alcon Labs

12)   Herbal Essence

13)   Resolve

14)   S.O.S

15)   Tide

16)   Lipton

17)   Lava

18)   Kleenex

19)   Sun Star

20)   Lysol

It’s funny how many companies that still test on animals that we don’t see. The bottles don’t say that they test on animals but we don’t really look for the ones that say “NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS.”  Some of these items I never thought would test on animals such as Lipton and Lysol. That just goes to show how much we pay attention to the products that we use.

Looking at it now I use a lot of these products, and didn’t even know that the company tested on the animals that I am trying to save. Go through your  chemicals, and see how many of them have the label on it that say that they do not test on animals and put them to one side and then put all the ones that do have this on them and compare the two. When you look at it you might be surprised how many that you use and loves does test on animals.

Why would these companies want to hurt animals just to make money, is my question. People that care for these animals need to stand up and make a change for them because they can’t do it themselves. Animals have rights too.

Red wolf, November 16, 2008. Available at


  1. I had no clue that that many companies and more tested on animals, I mean Tide and Glade, what could they possibly need to test them for? This is cruel.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post about the testing of products on animals. You had some really important and informative points in your post and I appreciate you highlighting them. Although, you had several grammatical errors in your post. You needed a few commas here and there, at the bottom of your post you put "safe" whereas it should be "save", and the very last word should have been "too" instead of "two". Your first list was a little confusing concerning the numbering, and your second list needed some sort of introduction. You can find some notes on these things on Payseurs class site. You have inspired me to look at more of the products I buy to see if they test on animals. Overall this was a great post!

  3. I would of never known that many companies were so cruel to animals. What made them want to do that?
