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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Abuse not known

Everyday you hear about a dog being kicked or starved. You hear about cat being cut or attacked. What you don’t hear may shock you the most!
 We all enjoy going to the circus right? As children we love to see the tigers, horses, and even the elephants. They are so well-trained and well-behaved to be animals that should be so wild. People think that they like to be out there and put on the shows when in reality they are scared that if they don’t do what they are supposed to do then they are going to be hit or worse. According to the article Circus Animal Cruelty,on Squidoo, that a baby elephant will be "taken from their homeland" they are not born into captivity.
 When an elephant is brought into the circus they will spend twenty-three hours on chains. I don’t know about you but I don’t like having a ribbon tied around my wrist much less to be tied up for twenty-three hours. If you have never been tied up, lucky you, but if you want to know how these poor animals feel then let a friend or younger sibling tie you to a tree.
 Many elephants while traveling are forced to stand in their own waste. They are more than often found without water and food. According to Ten Fast Facts “From 1994 to 2005 at least 31 elephants die premature deaths.”
Many times during training trainers use items such as bullhooks, whips, clubs and even electric prods to MAKE the elephants learn the routes. According to the Squidoo’s Circus Animal Cruelty Ringling Brother and Barnum Bailey have been charged with numerous violations of abusing animals and failing to give the animals proper food and water. These are not the only violation that they have had. USDA has charged Ringling Brother and Barnum Bailey "for failing to adequately treat Sarah for plus-like discharge present during
When these poor animals are abused they do what they have to so they can protect themself. In doing so many people training these animals and many innocent people have been killed or injured. When they hurt human they are normally put to death. This may just be my opinion but if the animals are hurting people for hitting, stabbing, and starving them then shouldn’t the people that abuse these animals be put to death if the animal don’t kill them first. I don’t think it is fair to kill an animal for self defense.

Mama and baby elephant available at November 25, 2007


  1. This topic seems to be very passionate for you. However, some suggestions. The highlighted font is very difficult to read. Also, be careful about copying from other sites; you can get in trouble for plagiarism. Your labels should cover the topic of the post, not a url. I'm excited to see what you will bring to light for readers.

  2. That is so true! But it was kind of hard to read this. Maybe try different front color and style.

  3. These people should have been punished with more than just a fine. Animals are like people. The blue was kind of hard to read, great passion for the animals. Maybe when you get out of college, you can be an animal doctor.

  4. Thank you but I believe that I am going to focus on teaching people about this topic.
