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Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Stop Animal Abuse.

Yellow puppy September 25, 2008, available at

 We all want to do something to help these poor animals that are victims of abuse. We do not know where to start, what to do once we get started, or if what we do will even help these poor animals.Some of us didn't even know that we could make a difference in the world of animal abuse. This post will give you some tips on how to get started and what to do once you get there. I can not however promise you that what you do will work the first time but if you are willing to get it done and don't stop maybe one day what you do now will help a cat from being hit, a dog being kicked, or even a horse from being shot. Knowing the signs first is where you need to begin with helping stop animal abuse. ASPCA tells us what these signs are:

  • Ticks, fleas, or infections going untreated.
  • Wounds on the body that the owner has not tried to treat or is getting worse.
  • Missing hair on the cats body.
  • Thin and look like they are starving.
  • If they limp.
  • Owner physically abusing the animal.
  • Animals that are constantly being left alone with out food or water.
  • Animals that have been hit by vehicles or any of the above listed and not received medical attention.
  • Animals left out side with out any kind of shelter in bad weather.
  • Animals that act in fear or aggressively when approached by their owner. 

  These are the steps that the ASPCA tell us to do if we see any sings of animal abuse:

  • Know who to call to report animal cruelty.
  • Get to know and look out for the animals in your neighborhood.
  • Make the call.
  • Provide as much as information as possible when reporting animal cruelty.
  • Contact your local law enforcement department
  • Fight for the passage of strong anti-cruelty laws
  • Set a good example for others.
  • Talk to your kids about how to treat animals with kindness and respect.
  • Support your local shelter or animal rescue organization.
  • Start a Neighborhood Watch Program.
These are just a few tips on how to stop animal abuse and help the animal that is being abused. Please if you see animal abuse taking place call the nearest animal shelter, or law enforcement area. These animals need your help.

Also here are a few cites that might help you, and children, learn how to take care of an animal if you have or are planning on getting one. I strongly encourage you to look at these cites if you have small children and are planning to get an animal.


  1. These tips are very helpful! good job

    1. Thank you hope that they will help the animals out.

  2. I personally didn't want to read this not nothing against you but I just hate seeing poor animals. I think that this will get the word out about animal abuse. I'm sure there are a lot of people like me and this post will make people face the facts and help. Good job!

    1. I agree with you I hate to see these animals and don't like to hear what happens to them, but if I didn't how many other people would stand up and talk for them. Thank you for letting me know how you feel about this and some tips on this. Thank you and I hope this blog will help people and animals every where.

  3. I love the photo. Make sure all of your formatting remains the same.
