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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Animal Abuse:

Animal Abuse.

Animal abuse is something that bugs me more than anything in the world. I have grown up with animals taking care of them raising them. In my house we have a thirteen year old cat name Cleopatra. I also had a Boxer Bulldog, Lady, that my mama and daddy raised. We got her because the older man that had her was going to drown her because she was the runt of the littler and he couldn't get rid of her so my parents took and raised her. 
Just thinking about the fact that someone could hurt an animal that did nothing but look or breath sets my anger off faster than hitting me for no reason. My mama is taking care of a dog now that was abused before we got her and I want to find the man that hurt her and give him a taste of his own medicine, do what he done to her in other words.

I want to try to get to the bottom of why anyone would want to hurt an innocent creature that can't defend it's self and beat them and break them the way they do. An animal only treats a body the way it is treated they only fight when they feel like they are in danger why on earth would anyone want the actually want to put them in danger so they will attack?

While reading my blogs you will find out what kind of animals is being abused. How they are abused is another important thing in the research of this blog. I will also include a couple of charts and graphs that will show numbers about animals that are being abused, how many people get locked up each year for abusing an animal, and how long if you are caught abusing an animal you will stay in prison.

A dog that has been neglected, available at , January 2007


  1. Susan that is terrible that a heartless person would do that to a harmless creature. How do you think people everywhere can stop the violence and give these animals food, water, and a warm place to stay?

  2. I agree one hundred percent on what your trying to say. You have some errors though. In the third paragraph, you misspelled innocent. I will help support you every way. I want to help solve the mystery also.

  3. I could never hurt my little puppy. Why hurt animals, they are helpless and only try to do what they can to help or assist us. We should love them.

  4. That is a very courteous thing that your family did for that dog and I'm sure that the dog will be forever grateful for what y'all done. Good Blog

    1. Thank you I still think of her everyday and I could have never hurt her she was my baby.

  5. Animal abuse is a serious issue, I'm glad your passionate about covering this. I am also an animal lover and find your blog highly interesting.

  6. I really enjoy your passion. However, you do need to make sure you edit and re-read your writing. Looks exciting.

    1. Additionally, the font for your comments is difficult to read. You may want to modify that for your readers.

    2. Thank you Ms.Payseur for the help and the tips.

  7. People make me SO mad!!! How could you hurt a sweet animal that looks soooo adorable!!?? People are so cruel! grrr.
