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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Top Ten!

When you see animal testing you think rats automatically. In this post I am going to inform you of other animals that are being tested. says:

1.       Mice/Rats

2.       Cats

3.       Dogs

4.       Rabbits

5.       Primates

6.       Pigs

7.       Hamster

8.       Guinea Pig

9.       Ferrets

10.   Birds

Also starting on the companies that are still testing animals. You can find all of these on The Vegetarian Site:

1)      Glade

2)      Glass Plus

3)      Good Skin

4)      Sally Beauty Supply

5)      American Beauty

6)      Avon

7)      Axe

8)      Banana Boat

9)      Carpet Fresh

10)   Flirt!

11)   Alcon Labs

12)   Herbal Essence

13)   Resolve

14)   S.O.S

15)   Tide

16)   Lipton

17)   Lava

18)   Kleenex

19)   Sun Star

20)   Lysol

It’s funny how many companies that still test on animals that we don’t see. The bottles don’t say that they test on animals but we don’t really look for the ones that say “NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS.”  Some of these items I never thought would test on animals such as Lipton and Lysol. That just goes to show how much we pay attention to the products that we use.

Looking at it now I use a lot of these products, and didn’t even know that the company tested on the animals that I am trying to save. Go through your  chemicals, and see how many of them have the label on it that say that they do not test on animals and put them to one side and then put all the ones that do have this on them and compare the two. When you look at it you might be surprised how many that you use and loves does test on animals.

Why would these companies want to hurt animals just to make money, is my question. People that care for these animals need to stand up and make a change for them because they can’t do it themselves. Animals have rights too.

Red wolf, November 16, 2008. Available at

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rats vs. Rabbits

Rats and rabbits are both used for chemical testing. Rabbit lover say that rabbits have it worse, while rat loves say that rats have it worse. I guess that it depends. My personal opinion is that I do not like rats but I don't believe that they should be treated like this.

Rabbits have test such as soap, cosmetics, household chemicals, and pesticides. These rabbits have these chemicals dropped in their eyes to see how the chemical will react to the contact with eyes. Rabbits, as stated in one of my recent post, are killed shortly after these test are done. PETA states that rabbits are used for disease, skin conditions, and spinal conditions. On Cosmetic Testing it claims that rabbits are bound in stocks and only their heads are out. It also claims that they are often not given any anesthesia during these painful test.
The test for a rabbit can last anywhere from seven to eighteen days. These test often result in bleeding, swollen eyes lids, and or blindness. These are only a couple of things that can result while these animals are being tested.

Two albino rabbits. March 11, 2010. Available at 
Rats- According to PETA: Rats have toxicology test run on them. Along with this they have psychological test such as terror, anxiety, depression and helplessness, run on them to try to help prevent these in humans. Rats are used for such test due to the fact that their bodies often react to chemicals the way that a humans will react. Just a fact to know, rats often put themselves in harms way to keep other living creatures safe. Rats are not protected by the testing laws so they are often not offered any kind of pain relief. The scientist don't even have to count and keep records of the rats that are used for the test that they run.

Two albino rats. April 22, 2010. Available at

In my opinion they both have it hard, but we all have our opinions. Many people are afraid of rats and say that they should be used because they are nasty little rodents that have no role in society, I will be the first to admit that I do not like them, but they do not deserve to be tortured like that.  You pick rats, or rabbits?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Testing for Animals?

“NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS!” Is what you may see on the side of many bottles so we over look how many animals are having chemicals injected in to their bodies and blood streams. In this blog I hope to inform you on about how many animals are tested and what they go through.
When looking at a testing lab you may see rats and mice. Looking closer is much more. Test labs use
·       Cats
·       Dogs
·       Rabbits
·       Frogs
·       Monkeys
·       Apes
·       Pigs
·       Hamsters
and many other animals that are caught. According to Animal Experiments, "about three million animals are used for testing each year." This number does not include the animals bred just so their bodies can be used in research.
Rabbits are most commonly found in testing labs for cosmetics and cleaning supplies. So they put a little make-up on a rabbit it isn’t the end of the world, right? If you believe this your wrong. According to PETA rabbits’ "have cosmetics, dish washing liquid, and drain cleaner dropped into the eye of the rabbit to see how it will react to the chemical, which may cause the rabbit to go blind." Even then the rabbit is put to death shortly after the testing of these chemicals. Another test that rabbits have to go through is having their backs shaved and then chemicals placed on the bear skin. These chemicals are left for two weeks often burning the skin and damaging the skin tissue. No pain relief is given, they are soon killed afterwards.
We don’t see what happens to these animals. Some of us don’t even care what happens to them. For the ones that do care we can stand up and do something because even if these tests are passed by the animals they don’t really mean that it is safe for people. Meaning that these animals are killed for nothing.
Two rabbits June 24, 2009, available at

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Stop Animal Abuse.

Yellow puppy September 25, 2008, available at

 We all want to do something to help these poor animals that are victims of abuse. We do not know where to start, what to do once we get started, or if what we do will even help these poor animals.Some of us didn't even know that we could make a difference in the world of animal abuse. This post will give you some tips on how to get started and what to do once you get there. I can not however promise you that what you do will work the first time but if you are willing to get it done and don't stop maybe one day what you do now will help a cat from being hit, a dog being kicked, or even a horse from being shot. Knowing the signs first is where you need to begin with helping stop animal abuse. ASPCA tells us what these signs are:

  • Ticks, fleas, or infections going untreated.
  • Wounds on the body that the owner has not tried to treat or is getting worse.
  • Missing hair on the cats body.
  • Thin and look like they are starving.
  • If they limp.
  • Owner physically abusing the animal.
  • Animals that are constantly being left alone with out food or water.
  • Animals that have been hit by vehicles or any of the above listed and not received medical attention.
  • Animals left out side with out any kind of shelter in bad weather.
  • Animals that act in fear or aggressively when approached by their owner. 

  These are the steps that the ASPCA tell us to do if we see any sings of animal abuse:

  • Know who to call to report animal cruelty.
  • Get to know and look out for the animals in your neighborhood.
  • Make the call.
  • Provide as much as information as possible when reporting animal cruelty.
  • Contact your local law enforcement department
  • Fight for the passage of strong anti-cruelty laws
  • Set a good example for others.
  • Talk to your kids about how to treat animals with kindness and respect.
  • Support your local shelter or animal rescue organization.
  • Start a Neighborhood Watch Program.
These are just a few tips on how to stop animal abuse and help the animal that is being abused. Please if you see animal abuse taking place call the nearest animal shelter, or law enforcement area. These animals need your help.

Also here are a few cites that might help you, and children, learn how to take care of an animal if you have or are planning on getting one. I strongly encourage you to look at these cites if you have small children and are planning to get an animal.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Abuse in the news

  Here’s what I think if you don’t want the responsibility of feeding and taking care of an animal why get one. I mean they make great friends and they take care of you when you are sick. I mean these stories below are horrible and why would someone do that?  
 While searching animal abuse I found an article on a beautiful baby bulldog. He was found starving and barely alive on March 16, 2011.

A pit bulldog available at

What do you see when you look at this picture of the bull dog above? I see a sweet beautiful animal that needs a loving home and a loving family. According to

Kisha Curtis, 28, was charged Friday with two counts of abandonment and two counts                of failure to provide proper sustenance to the animal, according to Matthew Stanton, a      spokesman for the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
This poor dog was found in a garbage chute the 16th of March.
This next animal is a horse we normally over look abuse to them because yo don't hear much about them more about cats and dogs. According to
The next day, it nearly happened again. At virtually the same spot, another horse broke a front leg, pitching his rider headfirst into the ground. The jockey escaped serious injury, but not the 2-year-old horse, Teller All Gone. He was euthanized, and then dumped near an old toilet in a junkyard a short walk from where he had been sold at auction the previous year.
 This poor horse could have been helped and even if he could have never been raced again he still could have done something. He didn't deserve to be left be side an old toilet in a junk yard. He is not the only horse with a story like this. Many horses have been left for dead after an accident. My friend had horses and the one that she loved to death her dad saved from abuse. When they found him he was tied to a tree in a dirt patch fifteen to twenty feet away from grass and water.
Black and white horse available at
People love to dye eggs right? Bright colorful eggs that you can hide and find. What about a baby chicken? While searching threw some news articles I found this really interesting. According to people are dyeing new born baby chickens some even before they hatch.
“You take regular food coloring and inject it into the egg on the 18th day of incubation,” said Peter R. Theer, a retired poultry rancher who lives outside Lampasas, Tex., and offers a how-to guide on his Web site. “They take 21 days to hatch. Put a little dab of wax on top to cover the hole up, and put it back in the incubator. It doesn’t hurt them, because the food coloring is perfectly safe.”
Until he closed shop in 2008, Mr. Theer sold dyed Easter chicks every year, always telling customers to bring the birds back if their children grew bored with them (which happened routinely). “We sold a lot of them,” he said. “People buy whatever is available. They’ll usually take one or two of each color, maybe 10 or 15 of them. The kids get tired of it pretty quick.”Most hatchery owners are tight-lipped about the practice. Several poultry farmers, including a few who have advertised dyed chicks for sale online, said by telephone that they no longer sold them. One farmer in Missouri, who asked that her name not be used to avoid reprisals, said she dyed chicks to sell (quietly) to the wholesale trade. “The bird’s sprayed with a fine mist,” she said. “It’s done real quickly, and the birds are put in a hatcher, where they dry off real quick. It does not hurt them at all.”Animal rights workers say that is not true, that the experience is stressful for the birds. They further object to selling animals at too young an age. The law that the Florida Legislature voted to repeal, they point out, also stipulated that chicks could not be sold or given away before they were 4 weeks old.
Why would you die a chicken? They was not put on this earth for you to die and play with and then get bored with them and take them somewhere. Even if the die don't harm these animals its still wrong. Would you like it if your parents had "die" injected into them while you was developing  so that you would be green or pink they get tired of seeing a green child and got rid of you? No you wouldn't.

Baby chickens huddled up together available at

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Abuse not known

Everyday you hear about a dog being kicked or starved. You hear about cat being cut or attacked. What you don’t hear may shock you the most!
 We all enjoy going to the circus right? As children we love to see the tigers, horses, and even the elephants. They are so well-trained and well-behaved to be animals that should be so wild. People think that they like to be out there and put on the shows when in reality they are scared that if they don’t do what they are supposed to do then they are going to be hit or worse. According to the article Circus Animal Cruelty,on Squidoo, that a baby elephant will be "taken from their homeland" they are not born into captivity.
 When an elephant is brought into the circus they will spend twenty-three hours on chains. I don’t know about you but I don’t like having a ribbon tied around my wrist much less to be tied up for twenty-three hours. If you have never been tied up, lucky you, but if you want to know how these poor animals feel then let a friend or younger sibling tie you to a tree.
 Many elephants while traveling are forced to stand in their own waste. They are more than often found without water and food. According to Ten Fast Facts “From 1994 to 2005 at least 31 elephants die premature deaths.”
Many times during training trainers use items such as bullhooks, whips, clubs and even electric prods to MAKE the elephants learn the routes. According to the Squidoo’s Circus Animal Cruelty Ringling Brother and Barnum Bailey have been charged with numerous violations of abusing animals and failing to give the animals proper food and water. These are not the only violation that they have had. USDA has charged Ringling Brother and Barnum Bailey "for failing to adequately treat Sarah for plus-like discharge present during
When these poor animals are abused they do what they have to so they can protect themself. In doing so many people training these animals and many innocent people have been killed or injured. When they hurt human they are normally put to death. This may just be my opinion but if the animals are hurting people for hitting, stabbing, and starving them then shouldn’t the people that abuse these animals be put to death if the animal don’t kill them first. I don’t think it is fair to kill an animal for self defense.

Mama and baby elephant available at November 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Animal Abuse:

Animal Abuse.

Animal abuse is something that bugs me more than anything in the world. I have grown up with animals taking care of them raising them. In my house we have a thirteen year old cat name Cleopatra. I also had a Boxer Bulldog, Lady, that my mama and daddy raised. We got her because the older man that had her was going to drown her because she was the runt of the littler and he couldn't get rid of her so my parents took and raised her. 
Just thinking about the fact that someone could hurt an animal that did nothing but look or breath sets my anger off faster than hitting me for no reason. My mama is taking care of a dog now that was abused before we got her and I want to find the man that hurt her and give him a taste of his own medicine, do what he done to her in other words.

I want to try to get to the bottom of why anyone would want to hurt an innocent creature that can't defend it's self and beat them and break them the way they do. An animal only treats a body the way it is treated they only fight when they feel like they are in danger why on earth would anyone want the actually want to put them in danger so they will attack?

While reading my blogs you will find out what kind of animals is being abused. How they are abused is another important thing in the research of this blog. I will also include a couple of charts and graphs that will show numbers about animals that are being abused, how many people get locked up each year for abusing an animal, and how long if you are caught abusing an animal you will stay in prison.

A dog that has been neglected, available at , January 2007